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Market Intel™

Market Intel™

Compare your rates

The Storage Group has created a local competitor data section within the Performance Dashboard™, called Market Intel™.

Market Intel™ shows how your facility’s prices compare in your market, including the average price difference. Competitor prices can be viewed by unit size, storage unit type and more. You will be able to see if your units are overpriced or underpriced compared to other facilities in your area. A map within Market Intel™ displays what facilities are being compared. Market Intel™ allows you to select a specific mile radius around your facility to be used in the competitor comparison.

competitor analysis

Market Intel™

Know your competition

Market Intel provides competitor analysis including your competitors names, street addresses, distance from your facility and much more.

Easily check out your competitors rates with Market Intel. Explore average prices within your local market, adjust and stay competitive.

Learn more about your local target market with our easy to use demographics tool.