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January 12, 2024

Environmental Sustainability Initiatives for Storage Facilities

In this day and age, it is actually easy to be green, as getting there is half the battle. When running your own company, it is important to keep up with the trends, especially the trends that become a part of life. The trend of going green and moving business practices to become more environmentally conscious is here to stay. Not only is it beneficial for our overall environment, but a lot of green initiatives reduce business costs in the long run. Let us discuss some simple ways in which your storage facility can leap into implementing eco-friendly

Energy Efficiency
One of the biggest concerns in environmental sciences is the unrenewable resources that are used in energy production and the carbon released in the atmosphere, creating carbon footprints. A way to combat this is by creating solutions that reduce consumption and use energy-efficient alternatives to reduce carbon usage. Some simple measures to take to go green include energy-efficient lighting and air-conditioning. Here are some ways to implement energy-efficient practices and technologies to reduce electricity consumption:

LED Lighting:

  • Replace traditional lighting with energy-efficient LED fixtures to reduce energy usage. This will also cut costs in operations in the long run with energy efficiency and reduce the cost of keeping your facility lit. This is doubled if your facility provides access 24/7.
  • Motion Sensors: Install motion sensors in storage units, hallways, and common areas to automatically turn lights on and off. This is another method to reduce costs.
  • Energy-Efficient HVAC: Use energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems to regulate climate in climate-controlled units.
  • Solar Power: Explore the possibility of installing solar panels on the facility’s roof or in the parking lot to generate clean, renewable energy. This can significantly reduce electricity bills and carbon footprint. With enough solar panels, you can even receive energy credits, depending on your local laws and regulations.

Waste Management
When operating a business that houses wares for all sorts of reasons, keeping up with the waste that can accumulate will keep your customers happy and your facility pristine. Through conservation and recycling efforts, litter and waste can be managed. We all remember the adage “reduce, reuse, recycle.” Implement these effective waste management practices to minimize landfill waste:

Recycling Bins:

  • Provide recycling bins throughout the facility for tenants to dispose of recyclables like cardboard, paper, and plastics.
  • E-Waste Collection: Offer e-waste collection and disposal services to prevent electronics from ending up in landfills.
  • Reuse Materials: Whenever possible, reuse packing materials like boxes, bubble wrap, and packing peanuts to reduce waste. Encourage your tenants to do the same.
  • Water Conservation: Implement water-saving measures to reduce water consumption:
    • Low-Flow Fixtures: Reduce water usage by installing low-flow toilets and faucets in restrooms and sink.
    • Landscaping: Use drought-resistant plants and techniques to minimize water needs for landscaping. Hostas and Bougainvilleas are just some of the popular plants you can use for beautifying your facility.
    • Green Building Materials: To reduce the environmental impact of construction, use sustainable materials like recycled steel and environmentally friendly insulation when constructing or renovating storage facilities.

Education and Awareness

Any initiative to improve the quality of life needs to be brought into awareness. In order to solve a problem, a big first step is educating yourself and others on what the actual problem is. Working together for the same goals will prove more effective and will let changes in policy and procedure stick. Raise awareness among tenants and staff about the facility’s sustainability efforts.

  • Informational Materials: Provide brochures, signage, and online resources that educate tenants on sustainable practices and recycling guidelines you have implemented at your facility.
  • Tenant Engagement: Engage tenants in sustainability initiatives through newsletters, workshops, and community events. Any steps you take toward community improvement or beautification will not only help you reach your goals but will help build local trust in your brand.

When it comes to taking action in implementing sustainability practices at your storage facility, the benefits are numerous and increase exponentially. Not only do you save revenue and receive a return on your investment, but you are also actively participating in a global push to create sustainable business practices.