January 18, 2021

From Traffic to Tenants: How Marketing & Technology Methods Impact Conversion

You successfully caught the attention of potential tenants with your digital advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), social media posts and website. Now how do you convert them into your tenant? 

Providing a convenient method for website visitors to complete unit rentals while on your digital doorstep is imperative. Once your visitors leave your website, winning their attention back can be a difficult and costly process. They may even spend their time looking at your competitor’s websites and forget about your facility all together. By offering the ability to reserve, move-in or make a payment 24/7 through your website, you are providing the ability for visitors to take immediate action and resolve their storage needs.

Converting a website visitor to a tenant can easily happen with a seamless process, moving away from a simple website to an eCommerce optimized website. Avoiding several windows from opening and multiple clicks, all while keeping the facility brand consistent makes the rental transactions process to appear more trustworthy. If your rental tool doesn’t provide this experience, our ClickandStor® Online Rental Suite can be integrated with your Pinnacle website to accomplish this. It provides a smooth transition for an online visitor to make a storage facility inquiry to then effortlessly make a purchasing decision. Plus, your Pinnacle website and ClickandStor® rental tool are available any time of day through the Progressive Web App (PWA). With mobile access, your digital facility can be used with ease no matter where a tenant may be located. Since more people are using their phones to make online purchases, the impact of website speed and mobile design can play a beneficial role in their mobile rental experience. 

Once visitors access your rental tool, hopefully your competitive pricing will peak their interest and convert them to a tenant. If the online visitor has been doing some recent price comparison shopping with facilities within your local area, it is beneficial for your facility to be knowledgeable on what the competitors rates are and how you can strategically price your units and sizes to stand out. If you are unsure of how to do this, services like our Market Intel can provide insight on units within a 20 mile radius of your facility. 

If you are aware of your competitors pricing, offering your online visitors the ability to decide on the amount they are willing to pay for a specific size and location of their unit will help to develop trust and increase the purchasing confidence. By using a tiered pricing service to help automate this, you can display multiple, same sized units displaying different rates based on dynamic pricing strategies. If a unit size is close to selling out, the demand may be higher so the price could increase. If the location is close to an elevator or a security camera, demand may also show that the price should be higher as well. 

If a visitor still decides to hold off with completing a transaction, abandonment emails are a beneficial way to re-engage, stir interest and push urgency by using a unique coupon code that you have previously determined. Whether it’s 15% off for the next 24 hours or some other enticing offer, the urgency set with the visitor will increase your chance of them completing checkout. Abandonment emails are a great way to boost conversion rates and re-engage with those who didn’t complete their transaction. According to data from Baymard Institute, after gathering information from 41 different studies within multiple industries, the average abandonment rate is just under 70%. However, with the right re-engagement and optimization plan, you can increase your conversion rate up to 30%.

The online experience your facility offers will greatly determine the success of converting a potential tenant interested in your facility into your tenant. With the necessary digital marketing products and services, your online facility is sure to benefit from well planned implementation of your brand. 

If you have questions or need assistance with developing an online marketing strategy, please reach out to our experienced team at sales@thestoragegroup.us25.cdn-alpha.com 

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