August 6, 2024

How to Market Your Self Storage Business to Millennials

**Millennials have fascinated marketers for decades, so it’s no surprise that you’re deeply considering how to reach them if they’re a part of your target audience. That said, millennials have very specific tastes, so it’s important to know what they’re looking for and why. Check out our article on marketing to millennials for your self storage business. 

Know Your Socials

Social media is a crucial part of your marketing strategy, and if you want to reach millennials, you have to know where they spend most of their time. For millennials, the social media platform they use most is Facebook, followed closely by Instagram and Snapchat. Because of this, make sure you cross-post all your posts to Facebook since that’s primarily where they’ll see it.


This is great news for you since Facebook is such a flexible platform. You can create short or long-form content that’s useful for any purpose, unlike X (formerly known as Twitter), which cuts your message short and forces you to be inventive about your announcements and updates. Use this to your advantage. Instagram and Snapchat are close second and third choices, and they’re perfect if you want to shoot reels of your facility or a quick video tour. Snapchat might also be perfect for flash discounts. 


Ultimately, they can all be leveraged to reach anyone, but it’s wise to get your facility in order first, so you can take full advantage of Instagram Reels and other social media platforms.


Create Content that Interests Them

Millennials are adults between the ages of 27 and 42. Because of this, you have to ensure your content is relevant to them. Make sure you have a unique value proposition for your brand so you can adequately convey your services to them in a way that resonates. Do your research to determine who they are as a group.


Many of them work long hours and rent instead of own. How can you speak to that? How can you make their lives easier for their move? Study the entire demographic and create reels, posts, and statuses that speak to whatever their frustrations are. Make sure your content is scheduled and consistent. While you should post every day, if you don’t, they should at least know when to expect you. 


The Power of Influencers

You’ll be surprised how much affiliate marketing and sponsorship can help you in the long run. Yes, you should spend time a lot of time promoting your product, but why not also sponsor someone to promote you to their audience?


Even if you’re a small business, consider making a list of influencers in the storage and moving niche that might promote you to their audience. For a fee, most people will promote your facility if it’s a good one. Check out local people in your area as well. They will likely accept your sponsorship for lower prices, which is a boon if you’re a smaller business. 


Also, don’t be afraid of the power of referrals. Create a referral program that you can use to provide rewards, discounts, special benefits, and affiliate services to your clients. It’ll give them more incentive to work with you. 


Promote Sustainability

Sustainability is a major topic on the political stage. Unlike most political issues, it’s bipartisan and safe to discuss without alienating anyone. Most people will agree that going green is a good idea. Most people aren’t pro-pollution. However, millennials in particular tend to be far more eco-friendly, with 94 percent of them opting for more sustainable options according to Virtual College. The truth is millennials are far more likely to recycle, ride public transit, and adjust their habits in a way that’s better for the environment. 


There are several ways you can draw millennials to your facility using sustainability, and it doesn’t have to be expensive. Start small. Start making your receipts paperless. Alternatively, you can pay for infiltration from your insulation company during installation. Given that most storage facilities are temperature-controlled in each unit, you might also want to promote sustainability by talking to your HVAC company about creating a more sustainable duct system for your HVAC network. These are things that millennials might not explicitly see or think about, but you can advertise that you do them throughout your content marketing campaigns. 


As you can see, millennials are a crucial demographic for marketers. They make up a majority of the young modern workforce today, so you must cater to their needs. If you’re interested in taking your marketing to the next level, take advantage of our services at The Storage Group®. We’ll supercharge your marketing strategy!